How to Help Kids Who Are Stressed Out by School #kids #stress #parenting #kidshealth #school #exams #bullying
While school can provide a great learning environment and be a great place to make lifelong friends, it can also put kids under a lot of stress.
Sometimes school feels like a pressure cooker of academic expectation and peer pressure, and this can really take its toll on children.
Read on to find out how to help kids who are stressed out by school.
How to Help Kids Who are Stressed Out by School
If you notice your child being less willing to get on the bus in the mornings or showing other signs of anxiety, you may need to step in and help them sort through what is going on.
Use the following tips to walk alongside your child and make their school years some of the best years of their life.
1. Talk It Out
If your child is struggling with anxiety and stress from school pressure, he may feel like he is all alone.
But feeling isolated only compounds the problem.
Encourage your child to talk through his feelings and thoughts with you.
Chances are, you have experienced a lot of what he has experienced, after all you were young once too!
Find ways to identify with your child, and assure him that what he is going through is normal.
When he realizes that you have walked in his shoes and that other kids at his school are experiencing many of the same stresses, his anxiety will probably lessen.
2. Make a Plan
Find out from your child the specific areas that are bothering him, and then work with him to strategize a solution.
Perhaps he is struggling with homework.
The overwhelm of lots of homework is very stressful, especially when that homework includes topics that your child does not completely understand.
Find out exactly what is stressing him about his homework, and then figure out a way to help.
For example, if he does not understand the material, hire a tutor for him.
If he is having trouble organizing his notes, sit down and show her how to make it manageable.
3. Do a Health Check
Is your child healthy? If not, that could be the reason for his stress.
It is easy to get behind on sleep during the school year.
If your child is getting in bed late and getting up early, he may not be getting the sleep that he needs.
Adequate sleep is critical for clear thinking and learning so figure out how to help your child sleep better.
How about his diet? Make sure he is getting good nutrition and not too much junk food.
Exercise is important too. Studies have shown that exercise relieves stress and anxiety.
Encourage your child to find a sport or exercise that he loves, and make time for it every day, or do some exercise together as a family and have fun.
Hopefully these ideas will be enough to help your child reduce the stress school is causing them but do also consider other causes.
Here's how to identify if your child is being bullied and what to do if your child is being bullied.
More tips to help your child cope with school and exams:
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