How To Plan a Great Christmas Party for Kids {Fun Christmas Party Games and Food Ideas}

Have you decided to have a party to celebrate the holidays this year?

Planning a Christmas party for kids and need some ideas?

Or are you looking for fun kids Christmas party games and food ideas for your multi-generational gathering?

Christmas Party Game Ideas

Looking for ideas? Then you could benefit from this handy Christmas party game guide.

There are games specifically so that children can have a grand time at parties, and games where adults can enjoy themselves, too.

If you’re going to have a party for children and need games suited to their age level, choose two or more of these fun Christmas party games.

Here are six Christmas party game suggestions that are always crowd-pleasers:

1. Speedy Unwrapper

Take a series of boxes: small, medium and large.

Wrap the smallest box the way you would wrap a regular gift. Place it inside the medium box.

Wrap the medium box so that it’s tougher to unwrap than the smaller one. 

Now place the medium box down into the larger box.

Wrap the larger box with layers of wrapping paper and use tough tape, like box tape or duct tape. 

Divide the party attendees into two groups. 

Each member has exactly thirty seconds each to try and unwrap the box.

At the end of the time limit, the team with the box or boxes that’s most unwrapped wins.

Make sure you have a prize for the winning team members!

2. Ornament Relay

This one has to be played outside or in a large room indoors (this one is perfect for church Christmas parties).

Divide the people into two even teams. Pick one person from each team to be the starter. 

The starter has to pile his or her hands full of round, plastic Christmas baubles and run to his or her team member to transfer the balls.

The recipient then runs back to the home base (a large bucket or tin tub) to deposit the balls, then runs back. 

The next person then has to run to the home base, gather all the balls and run back with them.

Any balls that the runner accidentally drops or loses must be recovered before he or she can continue in the race. 

3. Christmas Charades

Playing charades with kids is so much fun!

For a twist on a favourite Christmas party game, use familiar Christmas events as the charade.

Use Christmas tasks and activities such as stuffing the turkey, decorating the tree, wrapping gifts etc.

4. Mystery Stocking

Take a large Christmas stocking or sock and put several Christmas related items suitable for a child inside.

Make sure the top of the stocking is fastened securely.

Pass the stocking around and let each child have a few minutes to feel it.

Then have them write down what they think is inside (or tell you if they’re too young).

The child with the closest guess wins the contents of the stocking. 

5. Word Formation

Have sheets of paper for each child.

At the top of the paper, write the words ‘Merry Christmas’ or ‘Happy Holidays.’

The object is to write as many words as possible using only the letters at the top of the page.

Give a five minute time limit and the winner is the person with the most words.

6. Pin the Toys On the Sleigh

Tape a large sleigh picture to the wall.

Give each child a paper ‘present’-something you might find in Santa’s sleigh.

Blindfold each participant on his or her turn and have them try and pin the present inside the sleigh. 

Closest one wins. 

Easy Holiday Foods for Kids’ Christmas Parties

Kids love to help prepare food for special meals and parties, so let them muck in.

If you want to get your kids or grandkids involved with food prep, this collection of fun kids Christmas party food ideas will make you their favourite person.

You can even make the food part of the activities and get all the little party guests involved in makign their own party foods!

Here are five kid-friendly party food options:

1. S'Mores

Of course, of course, you can’t have a kid-friendly holiday recipe without including s'mores!

Everyone loves the delicious flavour combination of graham cracker, marshmallow and chocolate associated with campfires and barbeques.

But, did you know you can make s'mores in the oven too?

Let your child layer crackers, chocolate bar, and marshmallows in a baking pan, then bake in the oven on 350 degrees F (180C) until the marshmallow starts to rise and the chocolate starts to melt - about 10 minutes.

2. Holly Cookies

These cute easy to make holly cookies are a firm favourite for kids.

They look neat and are simple to make with the help of an adult.

They don’t have a ton of ingredients; in fact, you may have most of them on hand during the holidays. Cornflakes, butter, marshmallows, and cinnamon candies make awesome cookies.

Stained glass cookies made using bioled sweets are another fun idea and look amazing on your Christmas tree, too!

3. Gingerbread House

A tradition for many, an edible and easy-to-make gingerbread house is a fun way to keep kids busy for an entire afternoon of sugary goodness.

Kits are readily available in most supermarkets, and there are gingerbread villages, people and other fun things to be had too.

Or try  making your own with this easy gingerbread recipe.

Don't like gingerbread? Try this adorable Cadbury chocolate gingerbread house instead!

4. Sugar Cookies

Making sugar cookies is a Christmas tradition in many households.

You can make sugar cookies in many ways, including using refrigerated cookie dough, so bake the cookies in advance then let your party kids decorate them.

The fun is in decorating them so let the kids loose with icing bags, icing pens and Christmas sprinkles!

5. Sandwiches

Kids like sandwiches, but have you thought about getting them to make them too?

You can put out sandwich ingredients and let them make them.

Give them some cookie cutters to cut out designs from the sandwiches to make them more holiday themed.

Offer an array of ingredients including sliced meats, houmous, sliced cheeses, cream cheese and tons of vegetables.

You could even try a themed idea like this super cute The Very Hungry Caterpillar sandwich!

6. Dippable Food

Any type of food that can be dipped is loved by kids, especiaally themed ideas like this Baby Yoda Guacamole Platter!

You can make turkey nuggets and dip them in cranberry sauce.

Cut up carrots, celery, bell peppers and dip it into any type of dips such as pimento cheese, ranch dip, and others.

Even fruit dipped in melted chocolate or different bread dipped in melted cheese will be delightful for them.

Kids love helping, but mostly they love being active.

Find ways to get the kids involved, whether by getting them to help prepare food or making eating an active event with finger foods and dips. 

Christmas cooking doesn’t have to be difficult or take all night long.

If you choose the recipes carefully based on your budget, the number of people you must feed, and find ways to get your little guests involved, you’ll find that you enjoy the holidays a lot more.

Keep it simple yet delicious, add some fun holiday themed games and you'll have the best kids Christmas party ever!

More fun party ideas:

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