Transformers One Movie Review #transformersone #moviereview

Lara and I were invited to the media screening of Transformers One yesterday and had a blast - literally!

Yep, there are bangs and blasts all the way through this one and it's an exciting, riproaring ride through the world of Transformers.

The first animated Transformers movie since the 1986 Transformers: The Movie, this may well be the beginning of a new trilogy.

And Lara could not wait to see it!!

She had me on an hourly countdown for about 24 hours before the start time of the movie, and afterwards kept grinning and grinning for about 3 hours!!

I think we'll be first in line to see it on release day, officially 11th October 2024, although I have seen some showings as early as Monday 7th October!

Yep, she loved it!

Check out the trailer here:

If you're a Transformers fan, this is a must-see and a huge change of pace from the more recent live action films.

It's also set further back than anything we have seen in the Transformers timeline before - back on Cybertron when Optimus Prime was best friends with Megatron.

Want to know how they went from allies to enemies? This is the film to tell you!

I've not been enthralled with the live action movies and Lara has relied on the old series for her Transformers fix, but we both loved this new animated world.

The animation itself is amazing and truly shows that this, not live action, is where this franchise shines!

The characterisation is outstanding, making the storyline gripping and with a depth of emotion the Michael Bay movies could only dream of.

Characters like Chris Hemsworth's Optimus Prime are rich and beautifully developed with an engaging back story way back when he was a mining bot on Cybertron.

The Anakin-style evolution of his friend and ally D16 is a hero's descent which answers questions that you never knew you had.

Whilst Orion Pax's hero's journey is the perfect counterpoint - and everything we had hoped for!

This is an exciting addition to the franchise, and offers the clean, exhilirating re-start the Transformers saga needed.

Would recommend this for ages 8+ as younger, more sensitive viewers may struggle with some of the violence.

Transfomers One is in cinemas from 11th October 2024