4 of the Best Must-Watch TED Talks for Homeschoolers

I hope you and your family had a fantastic summer and are enjoying getting back into your homeschool year.

A few weeks in you may be flagging a little bit and seeking some inspiration, or even just some encouragement so we have put together our favourite TED Talks for homeschoolers.

I love watching a good TED Talk and have come across some really great ones over the years. Some of them are educational. Others are super inspirational. But I think they’ve all got some value to add to your life as a homeschool family.

Check them out below!

4 of the Best Must-Watch TED Talks for Homeschoolers

You know how kids are constantly being asked “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

In this TED Talk, then 13-year-old Logan LaPlante points out that kids usually have dreams of doing things that make them happy . . . but the traditional school system doesn’t exactly support that goal.

He does a beautiful job of showing how homeschooling gives kids their best shot at designing a future life they will LOVE by giving them the freedom to “hack” their education.

Staying on the topic of figuring out what you want to do with your life, Emilie Wapnick calls into question the assumption that we have to choose just ONE thing.

She believes that being forced to stick yourself in a box like that is way too stressful . . . and unnecessary.

Instead, she believes we should all have the freedom to be multipassionate and pursue goals that may not match, but that make us feel like we’re living life fully.

I don’t know about you, but I’m constantly amazed by how much simple wisdom our kids already have.

In fact, I believe we can learn so much from them!

In this TED Talk, we get to explore how the fact that kids have yet to have their dreams picked apart, their confidence whittled down, and their beliefs limited the way adults do puts them in this wonderful position to create change in the world.

I found it to be really inspiring . . . not just for adults but for kids as well!

And, as a parent, it reminded me that our job is to support and empower our kids as they figure out their way in the world . . . without loading them down with personal or societal limitations.

For this last TED Talk recommendation, I thought I’d share one for the kids.

It’s a great one if you’re trying to get your kids to see math as something enjoyable (and even cool).

In this talk, mathemagician Arthur Benjamin puts on a remarkable show where he solves complex math
problems faster than a calculator, guesses numbers and even guesses people’s birthdays.

It’s a pretty awesome show . . . and a great example of how you can blend together two passions that
you don’t normally think of as going together!

Of course, there are so many other TED Talks out there that are worth checking out.

If you know of any, feel free to let me know over in the Facebook group!

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