How Little Live Pets Can Help You Choose the Perfect Pet for Your Family #ad

Are you thinking of getting a pet?

Are you listening to daily requests for a beautiful bundle of fur but not sure how responsible your kids will be?

What if there was a way to try a trial pet out before you get a real one, a trial pet almost as good as the real thing?

Finding the perfect pet for your family is a huge consideration and requires lots of research, thinking and planning.

You need to make sure to choose the right animal for you, and that you are the right family for them too!

We've been learning about different types of pets with the range of Little Live Pets at Very and it has given us a real insight into what pets would suit us.

Here's how to work out what pet would be best for your family and some ideas on how to do your research with some help from the super cute, almost real Little Live Pets.

1. Ask your children why they want a pet

Unfortunately, lots of people acquire a pet for the wrong reasons, or are disappointed when they bring the much-anticipated pet home and find it isn't quite what they expected.

Do you know that hamsters and rats are largely nocturnal? Or that bunnies tend to be most active at dawn and dusk?

Knowing why your child wants a pet and what they expect from them is the most important question to ask.

Most of the time, their reason for wanting a pet will give you an idea of what type of pet they are looking for.

Perhaps something small in a cage, but do they know how to keep their cage and bedding clean and feed them?

Tatiana loves taking care of her Little Live Pets Mama Surprise Minis mouse, Moom-moom.

Talk to your kids about what they find endearing about their pet of choice and help them to understand the responsibilities involved in caring for that pet.

Little Live Pets are perfect for this as you can demonstrate how to prepare and clean their hutch, what the animal eats and how to feed them and offer water.

Developing these responsibilities is key to getting your child ready for pet ownership.

2. Research the pet your kids want

First, explore whether the animal of choice will best suit your child's personality as well as your family's lifestyle.

Doing some research and fact-finding now will save you time and trouble to come.

Read books or research online to find out as much as possible about your pet so you know as much as possible about the animal and its care.

Little Live Pets Mama Surprise and her babies are the perfect introduction to guinea pigs!

Ideally, talk to other pet owners about their experience and, in the case of dogs particularly, find out about the needs of any particular breeds as these may be very individual.

You should also consider how big your home is and how much space you could spare for a pet.

Ample space will be needed in taking care of all pets, but obviously you need mroe space for a Great Dane than a hamster.

If you have a rather small place, then choose an animal that would not require so much room, and think carefully about where your pet will need to go, indoors or out.

If you rent you should also check your lease and ask your landlord before you get a pet.

If you can't have one where you live or your kids really want a dog but you don't have a garden at the moment, a Little Live Pet like a Scruff-a-Luv may be the better choice.

Scruff-a-Luvs are a fun pet to have as you might get a cat, a dog or a bunny and you need to wash and comb them right out of the box so you can reveal their true scruffy beauty!

Our girls have loved having these cute cuddly pets and made clothes and homes for them, and taken them everywhere.

3. Make sure the whole family is ready

Once an animal is brought to the home, changes will definitely occur as pet care becomes an essential part of your routine and obligations.

If you're a family who travel a lot or love to do things on the spur of the moment a real life pet might not be the best choice right now, so why not opt for a Little Live Pet instead?

Cleaning up poop, changing straw and cleaning cages, bathing and feeding the animal will become important parts of your day.

And remember that, however old or mature your child is, you will need to offer constant supervision and guidance as they get to know and learn to look after their new furry friend.

They may even get stuck up a tree whilst modelling their favourite outfit!

This is a responsibility for the whole family so it might be worth investing in a trial friend first so you get used to the changes!

Our girls are all animal-mad, stopping to greet every cat and dog we come across on the street, and aw-ing and aah-ing over everything with four legs!

We already have cats but they are absolutely desperate to add to our menagerie as soon as possible, but unfortunately we don't have the space for a dog right now, or even enough room to keep a hamster or guinea pigs well away from the cats.

The eternal cry in our house is, "When we move, can I have..." followed by the animal of the moment - even if it is a pig!!

Top favourites are a dog (preferably spotty), hamster, guinea pig and a pig, so they have loved being able to trial some of their dream pets.

Our new pets quickly became part of the family, as you can see from the photos. We highly recommend getting accustomed to a new pet with Little Live Pets first!

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