10 Tips for Students Who Are New to Virtual Learning

What strange times we live in, and moving to an online learning envirronment is just one aspect of that.

But just how easy it is for students to get used to virtual learning?

It takes a lot of motivation, consistency, and self-discipline to study online. But it is quite possible!

Today, online learning is everything - students attend classes online, they get essay writing help online from such professional services as AdvancedWriters and its academic experts, etc.

Obviously, your initial motivation to learn online is essential. Everyone is capable of it, but you do have to learn to believe in yourself.

We all have ups and downs and difficulties, and sometimes we need help.

That's why we've decided to put together a list of 10 helpful tips that can help your kids succeed with their online education.

The distance learning mode requires some big adaptations and certainly more autonomy.

Time management and organisation, appropriate study methods, and good motivation are essential ingredients for success in distance studies.

Whether you have chosen to enroll in distance learning courses or circumstances dictate that online learning is necessary, it takes some effort to adapt to this mode of teaching and learning.

Effective Tips for Students Who Are New to Distance Learning

1. Have a special study room or space

For optimal online learning success, it's ideal to have a dedicated place to study.

Create a space which will be quiet and peaceful, giving the optimal opprotunity to study.

This could be a separate study if you have the space, or more likely be at a desk in a corner of the living room, or at the kitchen table.

Wherever the study space is, make it comfortable and motivating.

A comfortable chair, a screen booster, a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard (if you work on a laptop), a green plant, a board with inspiringg images or a study calendar and important deadlines...

Designating a dedicated study area will help students to remain efficient and focused.

2. Be well-equipped

To take distance courses effectively, make sure you have high-speed internet access.

Nobody wants a lagging connection, just as your tutor explains the most vital concept! 

Make sure you have the right software on hand, too. 

While your computer speakers can do the trick, we highly recommend using headphones.

This will be particularly useful in a noisy environment when brothers and sisters are messing around.

3. Eliminate distractions

Yes, it is much more tempting to browse your Instagram feed or play Minecraft when the teacher is not right there in front of you!

But, no-one needs to point out that this is not exactly an optimal use of time!

To avoid temptation, eliminate as many temptations as possible.

Have Minecraft installed on a separate computer, turn mobile phones off and encourage your learner to stay away from other temptations.

For those tempted by outside interference, taking important steps to eliminate the source is crucial. 

Whether it's the housework that needs to be done, the latest dance on TikTok, or the current must-see series on Netflix, you wouldn't be tempted in class, so why would you do it at home?

You can put phones in airplane mode, but better to remove it to another room entirely to avoid getting distracted by phone notifications.

You can also install a distraction blocker on your computer.

Encourage students to give their full attention to the online course!

4. Maintain a fixed schedule

Some classes are scheduled, but if students are allowed to pick up classes and study when they choose, it can help to set a schedule.

Keeping a fixed schedule helps get you into work mode faster, and making it routine makes it more difficult to put off studying until later.

Help learners to plan their week out and to set a specific time to study each day.

This should be planned carefully. It will then be more difficult to deviate from it.

Maintaining a clear structure is essential to keep morale up and ensure good productivity in learning.

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5. Pretend you are going to school

Taking classes in your pyjamas is SO tempting!

But motivation can take a hit if you always stay in "comfort" mode.

It's better to get up and get dressed in the morning, just like you were going to school or college.

This will make it easier for you to focus and be productive.

The important thing is to take virtual classes as seriously as face-to-face courses.

6. Actively participate

The Adobe Connect platform makes it possible to interact with the tutor or his peers in several ways: "Raise your hand" function, chatbox, collective whiteboard etc.

Encourage students to take advantage of these elements!

Maintaining the status quo and participating is essential to keeping your grades safe.

If your child doesn't understand a concept, encourage her to share this with her tutor.

Not being in the same room makes it more difficult for them to assess a student's level of understanding.

Most tutors will usually be happy to answer your questions at any time by email.

7. Be free to make friends as it will be of great help in the long run

Distance learning may seem lonely but interacting with other students, commenting on other students' posts and introducing yourself to your colleagues is important.

If the opportunity arises, turn on your camera. Nothing beats real faces when you're in a virtual situation.

You will find that team spirit can be very active, even from a great distance!

This makes the online learning experience more dynamic - and enjoyable - for everyone.

8. Foster a study environment conducive to work

Whatever your situation, working in a suitable study environment is particularly important as we mentioned in point 1.

For university or college students, this is all the more essential as they are likely to have several distance learning courses to work on from home.

Keeping organised is key with the right furniture. desk accessories and plans.

In order to promote your daily efficiency, organize your study environment:
  • Find somewhere you can work without distractions.
  • Plan a quiet area and clear workspace to avoid distractions.
  • Pay special attention to ergonomics (for example, installation and location in front of the computer and the height of the table, chair, screen, etc.) to maximize productivity.
  • Set goals for working with your peers to reduce loneliness and get your job done smoothly.

9. Be strategic with your study timing

When studying alone, it can be particularly difficult to prioritise tasks.

This is especially true when reading around your subject, so try to keep the learning objectives in mind and to make links between your course material, text books and the predicted outcomes of your course.

Whatever the mode of teaching, distance, or in class, the acquisition of effective study methods is fundamental for good learning and contributes to the success of your studies.

As distance studies require greater autonomy, make sure students are well-equipped in terms of study methods.

This is particularly important in terms of preparation for lessons, readings, note-taking, preparation and taking online exams, as well as written assignments and teamwork.

10. Put away!

When you study at a distance, information comes from all sides.

To avoid getting overwhelmed by paperwork and then not be able to find anything, set up systems to put everything away.

If you classify and file paperwork as it arrives, you will always be able to find everything you need.

This saves time, energy and stress.

Plus it means you can tidy up at the end of the day and switch off, knowing everythign is ready for your study time the next day.

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