How to Find Me Time As a Busy Mum #parenting #busymums #metime

They say a woman’s work is never done, well that's certainly true for us busy mums!

A hectic work schedule, combined with trying to balance other areas of your life, may lead to you feeling like you are constantly spinning way too many plates in the air at once.

But without a break or some essential time to yourself, you risk burn out.

Read on to find out how to find time for yourself as a busy mum, even when you are CRAZY busy already!!

With the constant demands of kids, busy schedules, family, paid work, keeping the house even remotely tidy and clean, and the countless other responsibilities that we have to fulfill, there never seems to be enough time to even think about our own needs, let alone time to carve out any me time.

This can lead to mothers often experiencing depression, anxiety or just a general feeling that we are completely and utterly worn out!

Besides how it affects us personally, being worn out also means that things can start to unravel as our  attentiveness to all we have to do will suffer.

In addition, irritation becomes common, as we feel overwhelmed and unable to deal with the stressors of the day.

Everyone is different, and each of us will have different ideas about how to find time for ourselves - and what to do with it.

I hope this guide to how to find or make some ‘me’ time for yourself helps you.

The solutions below are not the only ones but may give you some ideas of how to find space and time in your life.

Utilize The Time You Have

If you have errands to run or appointments to keep but find yourself early or waiting around in your car, make use of the time.

For example, keep a book with you at all times to grab a quick read, or spend a few minutes practicing meditation.

These two activities require a certain amount of tranquility and peace, so why not use your window of opportunity to do this, or you could just listen to some music and relax.

This is your time to do with as you wish.

Make A Date With Yourself (And Keep It!)

Once a week, take time to do the things you like to do alone.

To do this you need to learn to say no to the people in your life, or learn to delegate your duties to someone else (mainly talking childcare here people!).

This will enable you to have some time to relax.

Go and grab a cup of coffee somewhere, get some exercise, or even just disappear to another part of the house.

Anything you can think of to do that would enable you to free up space in that busy head of yours.

If you have more time, once a month, or even once a quarter, go out and treat yourself.

This could be doing anything you wish, such as shopping, a spa day, a movie, hiking or cycling, or even just spending time with friends, catching up on their lives.

You would think that these tips on finding ‘me’ time would be obvious. However, this time can often be difficult to find.

One study found that 51% of working mothers went weeks without relaxing on their own.

When further questioned, nearly 75% of the 2000 women felt they lived their whole lives for other people.

Some women are lucky enough to have partners and family to rely on to take the strain; others are not so fortunate.

However, there are still things you can do to make time in your life:

Learn to Say No

No, means setting boundaries and limiting what you will or are willing to do in a single day or week. 

This may mean having to say no to some things, but considering how much your wellness matters, it may be well worth it.

Read more: How to Say No as an Essential Part of Your Self Care

The best tip you all need to know is…

Be Organized

By planning your day and week out meticulously, you can identify opportunities for ‘me’ time.

Making lists and looking at your week will help you to see those times where gaps appear in your schedule, and organization is the key to doing this.

Read more: 10 Simple Organization Hacks that Will Make Your Busy Mum Life Easier

The more you practice doing this the more you will learn where you can fit things in.

It could be as simple as going for a walk for 20 minutes, but it's the start of getting soem time for yourself.

More ideas for busy mums:

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