Finding books that support a vegan or vegetarian ethos can be difficult. Even the simplest of baby or toddler books might still include a picture of meat or dairy produce on the table or picnic rug, or a reference to eating such things for good health. If you have made these choices for your family, finding books that support your beliefs is essential, so here is a list of our favourites.
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For 2-5 Year Olds

Baby Food by Saxton Freymann and Joost Elffers
A lovely colour picture book featuring photos of young animals carved from fruit and vegetables.

Veggies On Our Pizza: A to Z by Chantelle Goodman
The text encourages children to eat their veggies by introducing various vegetables in alphabetical order.

Hope by Randy Houk
The story of how one pig came to Farm Sanctuary.

Hetty and Harriet by Graham Oakley
Two free-range chickens discover the horrors of factory farming. Gently told for the youngest children.

The Gnats of Knotty Pine by Bill Peet
The Gnats of the wood save the animals by scaring away the hunters. Told in rhyme.

Hunter and His Dog by Brian Wildsmith
A hunter learns compassion with the help of his dog.

If I Were You by Brian Wildsmith
A child visits the zoo and realises that the animals would rather be free.

Libby Finds Vegan Sanctuary by Julia Feliz Brueck
The story of how a turkey inspires compassion and, ultimately, finds safety. Based on the story of real life rescued turkey, Libby.

Tyrannosaurus Drip by Julia Donaldson and David Roberts
Wrong egg, wrong nest. Little Tyrannosaurus Drip just wants a quiet life munching on water weed, a sharp contrast to his big, scary siblings.
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For 4-8 Year Olds

Steven the Vegan by Dan Bodenstein
Designed to assist children with explaining their vegan lifestyle choice to others.

A Turkey for Thanksgiving by Eve Bunting
Mr. Moose invites Mr. Turkey to dinner, not for dinner.

Eating the Alphabet by Lois Ehlert
Learn the alphabet and try new fruits and vegetables as you work from A to Z.

The Chicken Gave It to Me by Anne Fine
A story about how chickens are treated in captivity.

Oliver's Fruit Salad by Vivian French
Beautifully illustrated, this book will encourage all kids to try new fruits.

Oliver's Vegetables by Vivian French
A boy visits his grandfather's farm, learns about a wide variety of vegetables and is encouraged to try eating each of them.

Perfect the Pig by Susan Jeschke
A story of compassion and cruelty to a flting pig, and his delightful relationship with his guardian Olive.

Baa Humbug! A Sheep with a Mind of His Own by Mike Jolley and Susan Anne Reeves
A quirky sheep saves his friends from becoming lamb chops!

Chicken Soup by Jean van Leeuwen
Mrs Farmer is making chicken soup, so the chickens run away. Except for Little Chickie who has a cold. Will she be chicken soup?

The Lady and the Spider by Faith McNulty
Told from a spider's perspective, this story details the life and near death of a small creature. Teaches compassion towards all living things.

The Organic Adventures of Tucker the Tomato by Rey Ortega
Introduces children to the differences between organic and pesticide-laden conventionally grown produce.

‘Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving by David Pilkey
Children go on a trip to a turkey farm and save the turkeys destined for Thanksgiving dinner.

That’s Why We Don’t Eat Animals by Ruby Roth
Contrasts animals in their natural state with the horrors of factory farming. (Ages 6-10)

V is for Vegan by Ruby Roth
A children’s ABC book with a vegan theme.

Benji Bean Sprout Doesn’t Eat Meat! by Sarah Rudy
A great book for openuing up discussion about peer pressure and the differences in a vegetarian’s life.

Turkey Trouble by Wendi Silvano
As Thanksgiving draws near, a wise turkey makes costumes to disguise himself so he doesn't end up as dinner.

Victor’s Picnic with the Vegetarian Animals by Radha Vignola and Michelle N. Ary
Victor has a picnic with the vegetarian animals. They share their food with him and he learns what to eat to stay healthy.

Victor, The Vegetarian: Saving Little Lambs by Radha Vignola and Julia Bauer
A boy saves his lambs and becomes a vegetarian in the process.

Making Minestrone by Stella Blackstone
Five children gather ingredients from a garden to make a veggie soup.

Everybody Bakes Bread by Norah Dooley
This lovely picture book introduces young children to breads from around the world and includes recipes.

The Great Pig Escape by Eileen Christelow
Thirteen pigs escape from a farm, moments before they are to be taken to the slaughterhouse.

Hey Little Ant! by Phillip and Hannah Hoose
A rhymed conversation between a boy and an ant teaches compassion for all creatures, no matter how small.

Jack’s Garden by Henry Cole
How the different parts of nature connect, and all must be looked after.

Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert
Tells the story of planting a family garden.

Growing Vegetable Soup by Lois Ehlert
Shows children the connection between growing food and eating it. Great introduction to vegetable gardening.

A Seed Grows by Pamela Hickman and Heather Collins
Shows the growth of a seed from the beginning to the fruit that has more seeds so it can grow again.
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For 8-12 Year Olds

The Magic Finger by Roald Dahl
A family of hunters learn a lesson about compassion.

Peace, Love And Vegetables (Herb the Vegetarian Dragon) by Jules Bass and Debbie Harter
From the sadly now defunct Barefoot Books, this beautiful book is the tale of one very different dragon who stands out from the crowd and stands up for what he believes in.

Much Ado About Aldo, Aldo Applesauce, Aldo Ice Cream by Johanna Hurwitz
Tales of a young boy called Aldo, his becoming vegetarian, and his compassionate deeds.

A Boy, A Chicken and The Lion of Judah: How Ari Became a Vegetarian by Roberta Kalechofsky
The story of how a Jewish boy becomes a vegetarian.

Pigs Might Fly by Dick King-Smith
The farmer is coming for Daggie, the runt of the litter. But Daggie is no ordinary pig...

Saving Emily by Ellen Klem
Adjusting to country living, 12-year-old Emily meets a neighbour who buys ranch animals so they can live out their lives in peace.

Vegan Is Love by Ruby Roth
Introduces the idea that a vegan life is one of endless compassion and should also be one of action.

Tofu and T. Rex. by Greg Leitich Smith
Militant vegan Frederika Murchison-Kowalski finds herself surrounded by non-vegetarian relatives, with often hilarious results.

Janey Junkfood’s Fresh Adventure by Barbara Storper
Can inveterate junkfood queen Janey Junkfood really learn about, and come to love, healthy eating?

Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White
A classic of children's literature, this tale of compassion sees young Charlotte hatch a plan to save her friend Wilbur the pig’s life.

Talking Turkeys by Benjamin Zephaniah
Book of poetry by a national treasure, encouraging people to live in peace, to love animals, to embrace an ethical vegetarian diet, and to enjoy each day of life.

Cows Are Vegetarians: A Book for Vegetarian Kids by Ann Bradley
How the choice to be a vegetarian has an effect on the environment, animals and our health.

Olson, Cathe. Lick It! Book Publishing Company, 2009. Make dairy-free frozen desserts that your kids, and you, will love. Ages 8-12.
Watt, F. and Catherine Atkinson, Peggy Porter Tierney, Kim Lane (Illustrator), Mary Cartwright (Illustrator), and Howard Allman (Photographer). Vegetarian Cooking for Beginners. Usborne Books, 2003. Tips and recipes are offered in this book. Ages 8-12.

Sausage Patty by Diane Allevato
A girl raising livestock to earn money begins to realize that it’s wrong to kill animals for food.

So, You Love Animals by Zoe Weil
A guide to compassion and action for older children.
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For 2-5 Year Olds
Baby Food by Saxton Freymann and Joost Elffers
A lovely colour picture book featuring photos of young animals carved from fruit and vegetables.
Veggies On Our Pizza: A to Z by Chantelle Goodman
The text encourages children to eat their veggies by introducing various vegetables in alphabetical order.
Hope by Randy Houk
The story of how one pig came to Farm Sanctuary.
Hetty and Harriet by Graham Oakley
Two free-range chickens discover the horrors of factory farming. Gently told for the youngest children.
The Gnats of Knotty Pine by Bill Peet
The Gnats of the wood save the animals by scaring away the hunters. Told in rhyme.
Hunter and His Dog by Brian Wildsmith
A hunter learns compassion with the help of his dog.
If I Were You by Brian Wildsmith
A child visits the zoo and realises that the animals would rather be free.
Libby Finds Vegan Sanctuary by Julia Feliz Brueck
The story of how a turkey inspires compassion and, ultimately, finds safety. Based on the story of real life rescued turkey, Libby.
Tyrannosaurus Drip by Julia Donaldson and David Roberts
Wrong egg, wrong nest. Little Tyrannosaurus Drip just wants a quiet life munching on water weed, a sharp contrast to his big, scary siblings.
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For 4-8 Year Olds
Steven the Vegan by Dan Bodenstein
Designed to assist children with explaining their vegan lifestyle choice to others.
A Turkey for Thanksgiving by Eve Bunting
Mr. Moose invites Mr. Turkey to dinner, not for dinner.
Eating the Alphabet by Lois Ehlert
Learn the alphabet and try new fruits and vegetables as you work from A to Z.
The Chicken Gave It to Me by Anne Fine
A story about how chickens are treated in captivity.
Oliver's Fruit Salad by Vivian French
Beautifully illustrated, this book will encourage all kids to try new fruits.
Oliver's Vegetables by Vivian French
A boy visits his grandfather's farm, learns about a wide variety of vegetables and is encouraged to try eating each of them.
Perfect the Pig by Susan Jeschke
A story of compassion and cruelty to a flting pig, and his delightful relationship with his guardian Olive.
Baa Humbug! A Sheep with a Mind of His Own by Mike Jolley and Susan Anne Reeves
A quirky sheep saves his friends from becoming lamb chops!
Chicken Soup by Jean van Leeuwen
Mrs Farmer is making chicken soup, so the chickens run away. Except for Little Chickie who has a cold. Will she be chicken soup?
The Lady and the Spider by Faith McNulty
Told from a spider's perspective, this story details the life and near death of a small creature. Teaches compassion towards all living things.
The Organic Adventures of Tucker the Tomato by Rey Ortega
Introduces children to the differences between organic and pesticide-laden conventionally grown produce.
‘Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving by David Pilkey
Children go on a trip to a turkey farm and save the turkeys destined for Thanksgiving dinner.
That’s Why We Don’t Eat Animals by Ruby Roth
Contrasts animals in their natural state with the horrors of factory farming. (Ages 6-10)
V is for Vegan by Ruby Roth
A children’s ABC book with a vegan theme.
Benji Bean Sprout Doesn’t Eat Meat! by Sarah Rudy
A great book for openuing up discussion about peer pressure and the differences in a vegetarian’s life.
Turkey Trouble by Wendi Silvano
As Thanksgiving draws near, a wise turkey makes costumes to disguise himself so he doesn't end up as dinner.
Victor’s Picnic with the Vegetarian Animals by Radha Vignola and Michelle N. Ary
Victor has a picnic with the vegetarian animals. They share their food with him and he learns what to eat to stay healthy.
Victor, The Vegetarian: Saving Little Lambs by Radha Vignola and Julia Bauer
A boy saves his lambs and becomes a vegetarian in the process.
Making Minestrone by Stella Blackstone
Five children gather ingredients from a garden to make a veggie soup.
Everybody Bakes Bread by Norah Dooley
This lovely picture book introduces young children to breads from around the world and includes recipes.
The Great Pig Escape by Eileen Christelow
Thirteen pigs escape from a farm, moments before they are to be taken to the slaughterhouse.
Hey Little Ant! by Phillip and Hannah Hoose
A rhymed conversation between a boy and an ant teaches compassion for all creatures, no matter how small.
Jack’s Garden by Henry Cole
How the different parts of nature connect, and all must be looked after.
Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert
Tells the story of planting a family garden.
Growing Vegetable Soup by Lois Ehlert
Shows children the connection between growing food and eating it. Great introduction to vegetable gardening.
A Seed Grows by Pamela Hickman and Heather Collins
Shows the growth of a seed from the beginning to the fruit that has more seeds so it can grow again.
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For 8-12 Year Olds
The Magic Finger by Roald Dahl
A family of hunters learn a lesson about compassion.
Peace, Love And Vegetables (Herb the Vegetarian Dragon) by Jules Bass and Debbie Harter
From the sadly now defunct Barefoot Books, this beautiful book is the tale of one very different dragon who stands out from the crowd and stands up for what he believes in.
Much Ado About Aldo, Aldo Applesauce, Aldo Ice Cream by Johanna Hurwitz
Tales of a young boy called Aldo, his becoming vegetarian, and his compassionate deeds.
A Boy, A Chicken and The Lion of Judah: How Ari Became a Vegetarian by Roberta Kalechofsky
The story of how a Jewish boy becomes a vegetarian.
Pigs Might Fly by Dick King-Smith
The farmer is coming for Daggie, the runt of the litter. But Daggie is no ordinary pig...
Saving Emily by Ellen Klem
Adjusting to country living, 12-year-old Emily meets a neighbour who buys ranch animals so they can live out their lives in peace.
Vegan Is Love by Ruby Roth
Introduces the idea that a vegan life is one of endless compassion and should also be one of action.
Tofu and T. Rex. by Greg Leitich Smith
Militant vegan Frederika Murchison-Kowalski finds herself surrounded by non-vegetarian relatives, with often hilarious results.
Janey Junkfood’s Fresh Adventure by Barbara Storper
Can inveterate junkfood queen Janey Junkfood really learn about, and come to love, healthy eating?
Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White
A classic of children's literature, this tale of compassion sees young Charlotte hatch a plan to save her friend Wilbur the pig’s life.
Talking Turkeys by Benjamin Zephaniah
Book of poetry by a national treasure, encouraging people to live in peace, to love animals, to embrace an ethical vegetarian diet, and to enjoy each day of life.
Cows Are Vegetarians: A Book for Vegetarian Kids by Ann Bradley
How the choice to be a vegetarian has an effect on the environment, animals and our health.
Olson, Cathe. Lick It! Book Publishing Company, 2009. Make dairy-free frozen desserts that your kids, and you, will love. Ages 8-12.
Watt, F. and Catherine Atkinson, Peggy Porter Tierney, Kim Lane (Illustrator), Mary Cartwright (Illustrator), and Howard Allman (Photographer). Vegetarian Cooking for Beginners. Usborne Books, 2003. Tips and recipes are offered in this book. Ages 8-12.
Sausage Patty by Diane Allevato
A girl raising livestock to earn money begins to realize that it’s wrong to kill animals for food.
So, You Love Animals by Zoe Weil
A guide to compassion and action for older children.
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